Monday, November 26, 2007


I found this amazing website called Digital Librarian. It has many different topic areas, but I focused on the literature section which is amazing!! It gives you about every topic in literature that you could ever hope to know about, then provides a very brief description and sends you on your way with incredible links. I found this just by google searching for literary websites for librarians. The link is below.

Mulitmedia Part 2

A preview of the sequel to March of the Librarians. Also found on YouTube.


This is humorous spoof of the documentary "March of the Penguins". However, it gives a great inside look on what librarians do at the 2007 ALA meetings in Seattle.
I found this on YouTube.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Social Networking: MySpace

Here is a link for a site on MySpace for a woman is Florida who has set up a page called Ask a Librarian. She answers questions from people around the worl, from literature to travel, even movies and where to find Shakespearean ringtones. It's a good site.

You can check out my own page at:


Citation Pearl Growing Search: Library LIt

Strategy: Using an article from a previous search, I did a Citation Pearl or Snowballing search using Library Lit. The article was called "The Future of Academic Libraries -A Delphi Study Reloaded by Blazej Feret in 2005. In Library Lit I searched for things written by Blazej Feret. Here is what I found.....

S1 Blazej Feret- Author

5 Hits.

Feret, B., et. al., Second Library Conference Organized by the Library of the Technical University of Lodz: Some Perspectives in Poland. Libri v. 56 no. 4 (December 2006) p. 264-8

Library Owns?

Find Full-Text
100% 2
Feret, B., et. al., The Future of the Academic Library and the Academic Librarian. A DELPHI study reloaded [computer file]. IATUL Proceedings v. ns15 (2005) p. 1-23 E-Journal Link

Library Owns?

Find Full-Text
100% 3
Feret, B. Internet in the Library - the Sky is Not Blue: Comments on the Selected Library Problems When Offering Patrons Access to the Internet [computer file]. IATUL Proceedings v. ns14 (2004) p. 1-15 E-Journal Link

Library Owns?

Find Full-Text
100% 4
Feret, B. Playing cops and robbers: keeping the library network safe from users [at Lodz Technical University]. Computers in Libraries v. 20 no. 9 (October 2000) p. 34-9

Full Text HTML

Library Owns?

Find Full-Text
100% 5
Feret, B., et. al., The future of the academic library and the academic librarian--a Delphi study [computer file] [presented at the 1999 IATUL Conference]. IATUL Proceedings part ns v9 (1999) E-Journal Link

Library Owns?

Find Full-Text

I limited the search my looking for articles written in 2006-2007.

Here is the most recent.

Feret, B., et. al., Second Library Conference Organized by the Library of the Technical University of Lodz: Some Perspectives in Poland. Libri v. 56 no. 4 (December 2006) p. 264-8

Library Owns?

Find Full-Text

While I like the Library Lit Database, I was not that crazy about citation pearl searching, at first, I suppose it is a good way of narrowing things down in certain areas.


Building Block - DIALOG

Communication: Sharing Scholalry Research between academic librarians.
(communication) 3,242 Hits
{research) 14,669 Hits
(librarins) 24,987 Hits
All combined: 53 Hits.

Here are the first 10 hits. The purpose of this seaarch was to find out how and if academic libraians are sharing their scholalry research.


4/8/1 DIALOG(R)File 438:(c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rts. reserv. 0476192 H.W. Wilson Record Number: BLIB07108821 Collaboration: Critical Success Factors for Student Learning Descriptors: School libraries -- Relations with teachers and curriculum 20070100
Library Lit. & Info. Science (Dialog® File 438): (c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rights reserved.

4/8/2 DIALOG(R)File 438:(c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rts. reserv. 0473670 H.W. Wilson Record Number: BLIB05105432 Distance Education and the New MLS: The Employer's Perspective Descriptors: Distance education -- Evaluation; Surveys -- Job hunting 20051200
Library Lit. & Info. Science (Dialog® File 438): (c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rights reserved.

4/8/3 DIALOG(R)File 438:(c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rts. reserv. 0473471 H.W. Wilson Record Number: BLIB07104351 Academic Subject Guides: A Case Study of Use at San Jose State University Descriptors: Information needs -- Evaluation; Internet -- College and university libraries; Use studies -- Pathfinders; Bibliographic instruction -- College and university students; Computer-assisted instruction Company Names: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library 20070300
Library Lit. & Info. Science (Dialog® File 438): (c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rights reserved.

4/8/4 DIALOG(R)File 438:(c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rts. reserv. 0473470 H.W. Wilson Record Number: BLIB07104350 The ACRL Conferences: A Profile of its Presenters Descriptors: Research in librarianship; Authorship; Bibliometrics Company Names: Association of College and Research Libraries -- National Conference 20070300
Library Lit. & Info. Science (Dialog® File 438): (c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rights reserved.

4/8/5 DIALOG(R)File 438:(c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rts. reserv. 0471017 H.W. Wilson Record Number: BLIB07103483 Diagnostico Sobre las Preferencias de Clima Organizacional de los Bibliotecarios Universitarios: El Caso de las Universidades de Sao Paulo y Antioquia Descriptors: Surveys -- Working conditions; College and university librarians -- Brazil; College and university librarians -- Colombia Company Names: Universidade de Sao Paulo -- Divisao de Biblioteca e Documentacao; Universidad de Antioquia -- Biblioteca Central 20060700
Library Lit. & Info. Science (Dialog® File 438): (c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rights reserved.

4/8/6 DIALOG(R)File 438:(c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rts. reserv. 0469244 H.W. Wilson Record Number: BLIB99007231 Library and information science research in the postmodern society Descriptors: Research in librarianship Named Persons: Wersig, Gernot -- German information scientist; Dervin, Brenda -- professor of communication 19990300
Library Lit. & Info. Science (Dialog® File 438): (c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rights reserved.

4/8/7 DIALOG(R)File 438:(c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rts. reserv. 0468402 H.W. Wilson Record Number: BLIB07103742 Towards an Agricultural Information Network in Sudan Descriptors: Information networks -- Sudan; Agricultural libraries and collections -- Sudan; Agriculture -- Databases; Cooperation -- Africa 20060000
Library Lit. & Info. Science (Dialog® File 438): (c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rights reserved.

4/8/8 DIALOG(R)File 438:(c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rts. reserv. 0460061 H.W. Wilson Record Number: BLIB07100131 Towards Establishing Guidelines for Performance Appraisal of Subject Librarians in Kwazulu-Natal Academic Libraries Descriptors: College and university libraries -- South Africa; College and university librarians -- Evaluation; Performance appraisal 20060000
Library Lit. & Info. Science (Dialog® File 438): (c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rights reserved.

4/8/9 DIALOG(R)File 438:(c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rts. reserv. 0454349 H.W. Wilson Record Number: BLIB06114175 Brief communication: Gender differences in publication and citation counts in librarianship and information science research Descriptors: Research in librarianship -- Evaluation; Citation analysis 20060000
Library Lit. & Info. Science (Dialog® File 438): (c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rights reserved.

4/8/10 DIALOG(R)File 438:(c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rts. reserv. 0454179 H.W. Wilson Record Number: BLIB06113876 Communication Breakdown: Librarian and Student Approaches to Virtual Reference Differ Descriptors: Use studies -- Reference services; Reference services -- Automation; Microcomputers -- Children's use; Internet -- Public libraries; Research in librarianship -- Evaluation Company Names: Inc 20060000
Library Lit. & Info. Science (Dialog® File 438): (c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rights reserved.

I was nervous about Dialog at first because it seemed so different, but once I played around with it I was fine. I also like Building Block Strategy.


Eric First Search
Browsing Technique
Sharing Reasearch between Academic Librarians- Natural Language 9 Hits
Added (Communication) 4 Hits, then (Research) 4 Hits

Here are the first 4 Hits. They all look relevant.

Knowledge Sharing in a Learning Resource Centre by Way of a Metro Map Metaphor. Access ERIC: FullText Author: Bang, Tove No. of Pages: 12
Document: Document (ED)Accession No: ED459765 See more details for locating this item
The Future of the Academic Library and the Academic Librarian--A Delphi Study. Access ERIC: FullText Author: Feret, Blazej; Marcinek, Marzena No. of Pages: 15
Document: Document (ED)Accession No: ED433821 See more details for locating this item
"Not Extinct!" School Libraries for Learning and Leadership. Access ERIC: FullText Author: Hones, Kay Ellen No. of Pages: 7
Document: Document (ED)Accession No: ED412956 See more details for locating this item
Publishers and Librarians: Reflections of a Research Library Administrator. Author: Lucker, Jay K. Source: Library Quarterly v54 n1 p48-60 Jan 1984 Doc. Type: Article (EJ) Accession No: EJ295502 See more details for locating this item
= 0)

I like the ERIC database and I feel extremely comfortable with the natural language browsing search.