Friday, November 23, 2007


Citation Pearl Growing Search: Library LIt

Strategy: Using an article from a previous search, I did a Citation Pearl or Snowballing search using Library Lit. The article was called "The Future of Academic Libraries -A Delphi Study Reloaded by Blazej Feret in 2005. In Library Lit I searched for things written by Blazej Feret. Here is what I found.....

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Feret, B., et. al., Second Library Conference Organized by the Library of the Technical University of Lodz: Some Perspectives in Poland. Libri v. 56 no. 4 (December 2006) p. 264-8

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Feret, B., et. al., The Future of the Academic Library and the Academic Librarian. A DELPHI study reloaded [computer file]. IATUL Proceedings v. ns15 (2005) p. 1-23 E-Journal Link

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Feret, B. Internet in the Library - the Sky is Not Blue: Comments on the Selected Library Problems When Offering Patrons Access to the Internet [computer file]. IATUL Proceedings v. ns14 (2004) p. 1-15 E-Journal Link

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Feret, B. Playing cops and robbers: keeping the library network safe from users [at Lodz Technical University]. Computers in Libraries v. 20 no. 9 (October 2000) p. 34-9

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Feret, B., et. al., The future of the academic library and the academic librarian--a Delphi study [computer file] [presented at the 1999 IATUL Conference]. IATUL Proceedings part ns v9 (1999) E-Journal Link

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I limited the search my looking for articles written in 2006-2007.

Here is the most recent.

Feret, B., et. al., Second Library Conference Organized by the Library of the Technical University of Lodz: Some Perspectives in Poland. Libri v. 56 no. 4 (December 2006) p. 264-8

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While I like the Library Lit Database, I was not that crazy about citation pearl searching, at first, I suppose it is a good way of narrowing things down in certain areas.

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