Monday, November 26, 2007


I found this amazing website called Digital Librarian. It has many different topic areas, but I focused on the literature section which is amazing!! It gives you about every topic in literature that you could ever hope to know about, then provides a very brief description and sends you on your way with incredible links. I found this just by google searching for literary websites for librarians. The link is below.

Mulitmedia Part 2

A preview of the sequel to March of the Librarians. Also found on YouTube.


This is humorous spoof of the documentary "March of the Penguins". However, it gives a great inside look on what librarians do at the 2007 ALA meetings in Seattle.
I found this on YouTube.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Social Networking: MySpace

Here is a link for a site on MySpace for a woman is Florida who has set up a page called Ask a Librarian. She answers questions from people around the worl, from literature to travel, even movies and where to find Shakespearean ringtones. It's a good site.

You can check out my own page at:


Citation Pearl Growing Search: Library LIt

Strategy: Using an article from a previous search, I did a Citation Pearl or Snowballing search using Library Lit. The article was called "The Future of Academic Libraries -A Delphi Study Reloaded by Blazej Feret in 2005. In Library Lit I searched for things written by Blazej Feret. Here is what I found.....

S1 Blazej Feret- Author

5 Hits.

Feret, B., et. al., Second Library Conference Organized by the Library of the Technical University of Lodz: Some Perspectives in Poland. Libri v. 56 no. 4 (December 2006) p. 264-8

Library Owns?

Find Full-Text
100% 2
Feret, B., et. al., The Future of the Academic Library and the Academic Librarian. A DELPHI study reloaded [computer file]. IATUL Proceedings v. ns15 (2005) p. 1-23 E-Journal Link

Library Owns?

Find Full-Text
100% 3
Feret, B. Internet in the Library - the Sky is Not Blue: Comments on the Selected Library Problems When Offering Patrons Access to the Internet [computer file]. IATUL Proceedings v. ns14 (2004) p. 1-15 E-Journal Link

Library Owns?

Find Full-Text
100% 4
Feret, B. Playing cops and robbers: keeping the library network safe from users [at Lodz Technical University]. Computers in Libraries v. 20 no. 9 (October 2000) p. 34-9

Full Text HTML

Library Owns?

Find Full-Text
100% 5
Feret, B., et. al., The future of the academic library and the academic librarian--a Delphi study [computer file] [presented at the 1999 IATUL Conference]. IATUL Proceedings part ns v9 (1999) E-Journal Link

Library Owns?

Find Full-Text

I limited the search my looking for articles written in 2006-2007.

Here is the most recent.

Feret, B., et. al., Second Library Conference Organized by the Library of the Technical University of Lodz: Some Perspectives in Poland. Libri v. 56 no. 4 (December 2006) p. 264-8

Library Owns?

Find Full-Text

While I like the Library Lit Database, I was not that crazy about citation pearl searching, at first, I suppose it is a good way of narrowing things down in certain areas.


Building Block - DIALOG

Communication: Sharing Scholalry Research between academic librarians.
(communication) 3,242 Hits
{research) 14,669 Hits
(librarins) 24,987 Hits
All combined: 53 Hits.

Here are the first 10 hits. The purpose of this seaarch was to find out how and if academic libraians are sharing their scholalry research.


4/8/1 DIALOG(R)File 438:(c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rts. reserv. 0476192 H.W. Wilson Record Number: BLIB07108821 Collaboration: Critical Success Factors for Student Learning Descriptors: School libraries -- Relations with teachers and curriculum 20070100
Library Lit. & Info. Science (Dialog® File 438): (c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rights reserved.

4/8/2 DIALOG(R)File 438:(c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rts. reserv. 0473670 H.W. Wilson Record Number: BLIB05105432 Distance Education and the New MLS: The Employer's Perspective Descriptors: Distance education -- Evaluation; Surveys -- Job hunting 20051200
Library Lit. & Info. Science (Dialog® File 438): (c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rights reserved.

4/8/3 DIALOG(R)File 438:(c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rts. reserv. 0473471 H.W. Wilson Record Number: BLIB07104351 Academic Subject Guides: A Case Study of Use at San Jose State University Descriptors: Information needs -- Evaluation; Internet -- College and university libraries; Use studies -- Pathfinders; Bibliographic instruction -- College and university students; Computer-assisted instruction Company Names: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library 20070300
Library Lit. & Info. Science (Dialog® File 438): (c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rights reserved.

4/8/4 DIALOG(R)File 438:(c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rts. reserv. 0473470 H.W. Wilson Record Number: BLIB07104350 The ACRL Conferences: A Profile of its Presenters Descriptors: Research in librarianship; Authorship; Bibliometrics Company Names: Association of College and Research Libraries -- National Conference 20070300
Library Lit. & Info. Science (Dialog® File 438): (c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rights reserved.

4/8/5 DIALOG(R)File 438:(c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rts. reserv. 0471017 H.W. Wilson Record Number: BLIB07103483 Diagnostico Sobre las Preferencias de Clima Organizacional de los Bibliotecarios Universitarios: El Caso de las Universidades de Sao Paulo y Antioquia Descriptors: Surveys -- Working conditions; College and university librarians -- Brazil; College and university librarians -- Colombia Company Names: Universidade de Sao Paulo -- Divisao de Biblioteca e Documentacao; Universidad de Antioquia -- Biblioteca Central 20060700
Library Lit. & Info. Science (Dialog® File 438): (c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rights reserved.

4/8/6 DIALOG(R)File 438:(c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rts. reserv. 0469244 H.W. Wilson Record Number: BLIB99007231 Library and information science research in the postmodern society Descriptors: Research in librarianship Named Persons: Wersig, Gernot -- German information scientist; Dervin, Brenda -- professor of communication 19990300
Library Lit. & Info. Science (Dialog® File 438): (c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rights reserved.

4/8/7 DIALOG(R)File 438:(c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rts. reserv. 0468402 H.W. Wilson Record Number: BLIB07103742 Towards an Agricultural Information Network in Sudan Descriptors: Information networks -- Sudan; Agricultural libraries and collections -- Sudan; Agriculture -- Databases; Cooperation -- Africa 20060000
Library Lit. & Info. Science (Dialog® File 438): (c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rights reserved.

4/8/8 DIALOG(R)File 438:(c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rts. reserv. 0460061 H.W. Wilson Record Number: BLIB07100131 Towards Establishing Guidelines for Performance Appraisal of Subject Librarians in Kwazulu-Natal Academic Libraries Descriptors: College and university libraries -- South Africa; College and university librarians -- Evaluation; Performance appraisal 20060000
Library Lit. & Info. Science (Dialog® File 438): (c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rights reserved.

4/8/9 DIALOG(R)File 438:(c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rts. reserv. 0454349 H.W. Wilson Record Number: BLIB06114175 Brief communication: Gender differences in publication and citation counts in librarianship and information science research Descriptors: Research in librarianship -- Evaluation; Citation analysis 20060000
Library Lit. & Info. Science (Dialog® File 438): (c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rights reserved.

4/8/10 DIALOG(R)File 438:(c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rts. reserv. 0454179 H.W. Wilson Record Number: BLIB06113876 Communication Breakdown: Librarian and Student Approaches to Virtual Reference Differ Descriptors: Use studies -- Reference services; Reference services -- Automation; Microcomputers -- Children's use; Internet -- Public libraries; Research in librarianship -- Evaluation Company Names: Inc 20060000
Library Lit. & Info. Science (Dialog® File 438): (c) 2007 The HW Wilson Co. All rights reserved.

I was nervous about Dialog at first because it seemed so different, but once I played around with it I was fine. I also like Building Block Strategy.


Eric First Search
Browsing Technique
Sharing Reasearch between Academic Librarians- Natural Language 9 Hits
Added (Communication) 4 Hits, then (Research) 4 Hits

Here are the first 4 Hits. They all look relevant.

Knowledge Sharing in a Learning Resource Centre by Way of a Metro Map Metaphor. Access ERIC: FullText Author: Bang, Tove No. of Pages: 12
Document: Document (ED)Accession No: ED459765 See more details for locating this item
The Future of the Academic Library and the Academic Librarian--A Delphi Study. Access ERIC: FullText Author: Feret, Blazej; Marcinek, Marzena No. of Pages: 15
Document: Document (ED)Accession No: ED433821 See more details for locating this item
"Not Extinct!" School Libraries for Learning and Leadership. Access ERIC: FullText Author: Hones, Kay Ellen No. of Pages: 7
Document: Document (ED)Accession No: ED412956 See more details for locating this item
Publishers and Librarians: Reflections of a Research Library Administrator. Author: Lucker, Jay K. Source: Library Quarterly v54 n1 p48-60 Jan 1984 Doc. Type: Article (EJ) Accession No: EJ295502 See more details for locating this item
= 0)

I like the ERIC database and I feel extremely comfortable with the natural language browsing search.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


LexisNexis Successive Fraction Search

Search: Sharing Research between Academic Librarians.

S1: Academic Librarians 996 Hits
S1 and S2: Scholarly Communication or Information Transfer 2 Hits
S1, S2 and S3: Research 2 Hits (same hits as found with the first two facets)

Here they are:

Benefits of free accessThe Australian (Australia), October 18, 2006 Wednesday, FEATURES; Higher Education; Pg. 21, 706 words, Bernard Lane

Over-citation puts integrity under cloudThe Australian (Australia), August 9, 2006 Wednesday, FEATURES; Higher Education; Pg. 33, 1007 words, Bernard Lane

Can I just say that I am not a huge fan of LexisNexis. I am not sure why I had difficulties with this database, but we did not get along so great. As for Successive Fraction Search it takes getting used to, but I like the results you can get.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Tagging Compentancy

Librarything tags. Ancient(4) ancient Egypt(5) Ancient Hellenistic History(1) ancient history(5) Ancient Rome(2) Audio(1) biography(27) Biography - General(1) Biography/Autobiography(1) Bookstall Strutton Ground(1) Box G(1) Caesar(3) classical studies(2) classics(2) Cleopatra(6) egypt(10) Egyptian(1) Egyptian history(4) famous women(1) Feb 11(1) from Tennison(1) Greco-Roman world(1) greece(1) Greek history(1) hardcover(2) historical(1) history(25) History > Rome(1) Kings and Queens - Egypt - Bio(1) mom(1) My Favorite Egypt Books(1) non-fiction(17) Ptolemy(1) Queen Cleopatra(1) read(1) Roman(3) Roman history(4) royalty(1) Rulers(1) scholastic(1) tbr(1) ungelesen(1) unread(7) Women(1) Women's Studies(1)

Librarything Link:

I picked Cleopatra by Michael Grant.

I chose this book because I am a amateurhistorical researcher and I love to study up on ancient figures. I have done some pretty extensive personal research on Cleopatra, but I have never read this particular biography. It had excellent reviews and caught my attention by the the title. I can't wait to read this book and see if I can learn anything new!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

RSS Feed

I chose a feed from The Association of College and Research Libraries or ACR Log. The current feed is from September 2007.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Podcast on Medieval History

This Podcast is a series that began in October 2006. The speaker is Frederic Lardinos who is a PhD candidate at the University of Connecticut in the Medieval Studies Program. I listened to the first podcast and it was just discussing the what the all the different episodes will contain in regards to Medieval history. Mentioning the misconceptions people have over when the Middles Ages began and ended. It was really fascinating and I look forward to listening to all of them. Also I e-mailed Mr. Lardinois and he said it was on Hiatus for the summer and new casts will be up in a few weeks. I chose this podcast because I like history and I find the Middle Ages a extremely interesting time. Also I like the fact that it was set up like a series and you can hear a new one each week. (6min46sec)

I found this through

Monday, September 10, 2007

Blog Link

This blog is written by an ESL teacher who has surveyed his students on how they do research for papers.

Based on a recent poll, most students use the Internet first, verses the library, to begin start their research for writing assignments. However, is this because of convenience or because students feel they can find better information online? If students' first move is to use Google, then they perhaps don't really know how to use the Internet effectively because Google shows results based on link popularity without performing a content analysis on the actual information (i.e., is the information reliable, authoritative, and bias-free). So, what are your opinions on this topic? Can the library provide better information, or is just a matter of helping students really search the Internet with better skills to evaluate the information?

Blog URL:

I found this by using Google Blogs.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Blog Purpose

This blog is for my ISAR class. My area of interest is research libraries. Especially those focusing in Literature, History and Anthropology.